Tuesday, August 7, 2012


 Am doing bad on my midterms :(. I just feel like giving up :(. I feel like am behind in my work. Am off track, that's not good:(. And don't any one text or write me back saying don't feel that way or don't give up. Am just blogging as am told to do, am not asking for any sympathy from anyone :). I can't wait for this blogging sh!t to be over too. I didn't say I was going to give up, just feel like it. Am not a quieter, just venting..... TTFN.

1 comment:

  1. I am telling you that you are the funniest SOB I know, and man I cant wait till this blogging stuff is over with. To be honest I have like no time and I forget a lot of the time that I need to do it. lol!!!
