Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Doing Blogs

I already hate doing blogs, now we have to do them twice, this sucks. I forget to blogs as is. whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!. ok am finish now. Got to get started with the work now. TTFN..................

Monday, July 30, 2012


In class talking about what we like about a story. It's morning not awake yet. I really don't have much to say. This is it for Today, I got alot to do later, maybe i'll be woke later.

Sunday, July 29, 2012


I thought yesterday was Sunday but it wasn't. Dam it seems like am lossing a little of my mind. I receive a text for the grade for doc1 and we got to do some correction. I started on some of the correction so hopefully we get this doc together. I forget to do a lot of things, but this didn't start until I went back to school, (smiles). Am going to get it togather, true-true. TTFN.....

Saturday, July 28, 2012


I went fishing thursday and I caught them red snapper. They where about 10 pounds or better, true. I got to the crib on Friday morning and went to sleep, didn't wake up until Saturday morning. Boy what fishing time. It's about 11:44 and am going again in a few mins. TTFN......

Friday, July 27, 2012


I was just correcting work this evening. Let me add something about "A Rose For Emily", while am doing this. A Rose For Emily,  this story shows that Emily wanted to be love but yet she had issues within her mental status. The town liked to gossip and hated on her, that didn't help her any. Oh yeah, I forgot to do a blog, I think. Any way, see we forget to do things, that doesn't make us bad people it just let us know we are human. I know you all maybe wounding what in the hell is Tee talking about, well as I was writing and a thought came across my head, that's all. Back to what I was talking about, corrections has been made. I like my group we click very well, and we all have understanding. Yeah group lets kick azz. TTFN......Smile!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

In School

Am in school  me and my group are trying to fix on our doc, before turning it in. We try really hard but we will get it togather. Oh yeah an JC is acting real funny, don't be like JC. I do have other things to say but its early and my brain is still sleep. TTFN...

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

What To Write

I heard bad news, i think that my group has to rewrite our work. I think that if other people focus on something about the reading then that's them. If we got something out of the story then that's us. We shouldn't have to go all in about something some one else do, thats' what makes everybody different and it more different  views on the story. If this sounds crazy its because .......

Monday, July 23, 2012

What A Day

Man, I went fishing an it rain all day. I did catch a little something. I  had to help my little cousin register for her first semester for college, and that took the rest of my day.  I hope it was help to her. Any way, oh yeah I'm thankful for my peers on their opinions, am out for now. TTFN.....

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Things I Carry

I carry my lighter, books, hands santizer, and my fishing rod. Oh yeah I dont think that our  peer should reveiw our paper because  they dont know no ore then us, they are learn to. We should be able to ask one another for their opinion but thats all. I could go on but am going fishing. TTFN......

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Things To Do

Just waking up got thank God. I need to get my fishing gear ready to go fishing. I need to start on my weekly assessment. Oh yeah I need some food in my life. I need some gas for my car. I need to find out if I won the lottery, its true am trying to win. Any way TTFN..... Smiles...........

Friday, July 20, 2012

Fishing Day

I was going fishing but its to hot. Am just going to get my car wash instead. Afther that I might go and get a bit to eat. Any way not much to talk about. TTFN.......

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Another Day

Here with the family and they are driving me crazy, Dam!,  Got to love them. Family you should love, but feed them with a long hand. Another day Smiles.....

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Doing Work

Work work, Its not over with yet. Am trying. Hey did you guys get the oh my God feel Today. You guys know what I mean. Anyway am on some other sh!t. Am tried am not going to do any work right now, later I guess.  :~

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day To Day

I sometimes know what I want to write about but I forget. Does that mean that am losing a part of my mind. Anyway am getting started on my math work and am going to find me something to eat. TTFN!!

Monday, July 16, 2012


Am here wanting to help others with things in their lives, but I have problems with my own. I do know this If we keep try we will seccessed. Hey you guys and gals we can do it. Fight, fight, fight. Smiles........

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Lahiri, 602-604

In the story she mentions the day when her parents will no longer be around and that part of family tradition will disappear. I don't have any kids of my own, but I do have niece's and nephews that i can share traditional things with them. I have god children that I can share things with also and i will.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday Night

It's to much to do, where to start. Oh, not in a party mood :(  Trying not to get off track, what a boomer.... Well to all am sorry to be a party pooper, maybe next. TTFN..........

Thursday, July 12, 2012


I don't have anything to say today. Oh yeah am glad that today is Thursday no school, oh not really am still doing school work on my days off :(  Anyway I may have something to say later am tried now. Deuce's!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Group Doc

Am excited to work with the group that am assign to. I feel that this will be a good group and we will learn alot. I feel that we will learn much about English1002. Am ready am ready, lets do this.....

Another Day

Man its work time, I have so much work to do. The work just keep coming and coming.The teacher need to be more mindful and know that some of us have personal lives. I know that they have to do their jobs but dam, slow down a little. We have other classes too. Just give a little time to do other class work. Just joking am on point with my work.. Smiles........

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

doc post

I don't even know what type of topic I suppose to be choosing, am behind. I guess....

domestic violence3

Yeah verbal abuse is violent as well. My thing is if you don't have nothing good or interesting to say than don't say nothing at all. Words can sometime hurt more than physical abuse. I have said things that hurt someone and am not proud of it, so when you say thing to people be the bigger person and asks for forgiveness. Nothing is wrong with asking for forgiveness, you would feel better and that person will respect you more.

Monday, July 9, 2012

domestic violence2

They always apologized, and sometimes they would even cry because of the bruises they made on her arms or legs or her back. If they had been paying attention or hadn't been so stupid, they wouldn't have lost thier temper. See it goes both ways. Just stop the abuses.

Movie blog2

I love to watch family guy and lots of cartoons. I enjoy those shows. They have me rolling. So these are memorable show for me.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

domestic violence1

Domestic violence causes pain in families. Its bad and people shouldn't do it. Stop the violence, and all should get a long. If not then walk away, and be done with that person and persons.

2nd post

I enjoy watching Law& Orderhe special victims, its base on real events. The show has action, darma, suspents. I all so like to watch court shows its very interesting and its all most fair to most civilians. Well these are a couple TV shows I like to watch.